Data syncs automatically between your iOS device and the web. Syncing happens in the background, even when the app isn't open (unless you have force closed the app). If you make changes while offline those changes will automatically sync the next time you have a network connection.
If your mobile app still isn't displaying your tasks to match the web, here are some steps to try:
Force a manual sync
Manual syncing is usually not necessary, but you can tap the Sync button to force syncing at that moment. You will need to have a network connection for this to work.
If the manual sync works, but your phone still isn't automatically syncing changes you make on the web, try restarting your phone! That often gets thing working again if they get out of whack.
Check your settings
Open the Settings app
Scroll down to GQueues
Make sure background refresh and cellular data are enabled
Make sure your phone and app are up-to-date
Outdated versions of your operating system or the GQueues app can sometimes cause syncing problems.
An update to your OS should show in your phone settings. And updates to the GQueues app will show in the App Store.
Reset your account
If your mobile app still isn't syncing after trying the steps above, the next step is to reset your account.
❗️Please Note: Before resetting your account you should make sure everything looks correct on the web. Anything that only appears on your phone and not the desktop will be lost after a reset.
Confirm your account looks correct when viewed from the web. When your mobile app is reset it will re-download everything from the web version, so please make sure that is set before moving on.
Choose Accounts... from the sidebar menu.
Tap the gear icon for the specific account.
Choose Reset Account. This will clear all account data from your device and re-download all data from the web. ❗️Before resetting your account you should make sure everything looks correct on the web. Anything that only appears on your phone and not the desktop will be lost after a reset.
Re-install the App
If you're still experiencing syncing issues, it can be helpful to completely uninstall and reinstall the GQueues app from your phone.
❗️Please Note: Before reinstalling your account you should make sure everything looks correct on the web. Anything that only appears on your phone and not the desktop will be lost after a reinstall.
Uninstall the app
Turn off the device completely and wait 1 minute (this clears the app from the device memory)
Turn on the device and re-install the app from the App Store.
If you're still having trouble with the app syncing, or if you need any help completing any of the steps above, reach out to our customer care team! We're happy to help 😄