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Set up repeating tasks to maximize efficiency

Add, edit, mark complete, and delete repeating tasks

Cameron Henneke avatar
Written by Cameron Henneke
Updated this week

When you have tasks that you do on a regular basis, you can save yourself effort by creating a task and setting it to repeat. The task will automatically generate for the next occurrence after it’s marked complete, saving you steps and making GQueues work more efficiently for you.

Set tasks to repeat

Create a recurring task

For tasks you know you’ll be doing on a regular basis, like weekly one-on-ones with team members or getting your oil changed every three months, you can create a task that automatically repeats.

First, create a task and set its due date and time.

Next, click the task repeat dropdown menu and choose the frequency for the task to recur.

Choose repeat pattern from drop down menu.

Choose from the available options or set a custom repeat pattern by clicking Custom.

Set your own custom repeat pattern.

After you select your desired options, a summary of the repeat pattern will display.

The repeat pattern will be summarized.

Click Done once you’re finished.

Your task will display with a special icon indicating it’s set to repeat.

Repeating tasks are notated with a special icon in GQueues.

❗️Please Note: Repeating tasks in GQueues work differently than repeating tasks in Google Calendar and only displays the current instance of the repeating task on your Calendar, not every instance that follows.

The most current instance of a task is indicated on your Calendar by three stars ⁂ in front of the task name.

Repeating tasks have a special symbol in Google Calendar.

Edit details for recurring tasks

All future instances for a repeating task are based on the information in the current instance of the task. So, making changes to the current instance of the task will change those same details for all future occurrences.

To change the repeating pattern for a task, open the calendar window and click the repeat menu. Choose a preset option or a new custom pattern.

To stop a task from repeating choose Does not repeat from the menu.

Turn off repeating tasks from the drop down menu.

Mark recurring tasks complete

Marking a repeating task complete will mark the current instance of that task complete and the next recurrence will automatically appear.

Mark repeating tasks complete.

As with all repeating tasks, the most current instance will also appear on your Calendar if you’ve activated calendar syncing.

Delete recurring tasks

You can either delete the current instance of a task or delete the whole series.

Click the trash icon to delete the task.

Delete a repeating task.

You will be prompted to choose whether you want to delete just the one task or all tasks in the series.

Choose to delete the instance or the whole series.

Just like when you complete a task, deleting the task instance will generate the next task in the series automatically.

Clicking Delete series will stop any future events from generating in GQueues or Google Calendar.

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