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Activate team calendars to stay in sync with your team
Activate team calendars to stay in sync with your team

Activate calendar syncing for teams and manage team calendar settings

Cameron Henneke avatar
Written by Cameron Henneke
Updated over a week ago

Whether you’re using GQueues to collaborate with your team or for managing multiple personal projects, here’s how you can put team calendars to use.

When you create teams and sync them with Google Calendar, the tasks for each team appear on their own calendars in Google. With team calendars, you can:

  • Work on multiple projects and track each of them separately on your calendar

  • View the same calendar as your team members and work with changes in real-time thanks to immediate two-way syncing

  • Enable reminders for tasks in each team

👉 Pro tip: Use teams to create project-specific calendars so you can track multiple areas of work in an organized way.

Activate calendar syncing for teams

Only the team owner can activate calendar syncing for a team.

Open Team Settings from the team’s dropdown menu in the left-hand panel.

Activate Calendar syncing from Team Settings.

Navigate to the Calendar tab, then select Sync with Google Calendar.

Sync with Google Calendar from the Calendar tab.

❗️Please Note: It may take a few minutes for syncing to complete, but you can go back to GQueues and do other work while it processes.

Now, you and all other team members can access the team’s tasks in Google Calendar.

View team calendars alongside your others in Google Calendar.

Manage team calendar settings

Once team syncing is activated, the next step is to set up Calendar settings for your team to make sure your tasks sync correctly. To manage all of your calendar syncing settings for a team, open the Calendar tab from the Team Settings.

❗️Please Note: All settings you adjust here will override your general account settings for your team.

Set the timezone

It’s especially important to set the correct timezone here so your tasks in Google Calendar match up with their due dates in GQueues for the whole team.

Set the correct time zone from the Calendar tab.

Even if you’ve set the timezone for your own account in the general settings, you still need to set the timezone for this specific team so that Calendar integration syncs properly for the whole team.

Default duration and reminder

From the calendar tab, the team owner can adjust the task duration and task reminders.

Choose default durations for your team calendars.

Any time a task is created in the team, the duration and reminder you choose here will be automatically filled in once the date is set.

Set default queue

When you create a task from Google Calendar for your team, it needs somewhere to go. Choose which queue you want your tasks to go to automatically when anyone on your team creates a task from the Team Calendar.

Choose default queue for tasks created from Google Calendar.

👉 Pro tip: Install the GQueues for Google Workspace Add-on to choose which queue you want your task to go any time you add a new task in Google Calendar.

Cancel events from Google Calendar

You should also choose what happens to tasks when they’re deleted in Google Calendar.

Choose whether deleting a task from Google Calendar removes the date from the task in GQueues, marks the task and all its subtasks complete, deletes the task and its subtasks, or does nothing.

Choose what happens when you cancel events from Google Calendar.

Hide completed tasks in Google Calendar

You can also choose whether or not completed tasks stay in your Calendar. Completed tasks will be displayed with a checkmark by the task name when they’ve been completed unless you choose to hide completed tasks.

Hide completed tasks to clean up your Calendar.

❗️Please Note: The team calendar settings override your general account settings. Even if you’ve already set these in your personal settings, they still need to be set within the team as well.

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