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Email tasks to a queue

Add tasks via email to create tasks in GQueues without ever leaving your inbox, no matter what account you’re logged into

Emily Jones avatar
Written by Emily Jones
Updated over 2 years ago

Emailing tasks to a queue offers lots of flexibility in terms of how you can add tasks to your GQueues account. You can create them from any email address, and send them directly to any queue!

How to email tasks to a queue

Queue address

Every queue in your GQueues account gets a unique email address linked to that specific queue. You can send an email to this address from any email account and a task will be created in that queue. This email address will stay the same even if you change the queue’s name later.

To find a queue’s email address, open the Queue Info Panel and click on Email tasks to this queue.

Locate queue email from the Queue Info Panel

This will expand the queue details to show the email address so you can add it to your contacts or copy and paste it to send to a teammate.

Copy and paste the queue email address or add to your contacts

👉 Pro Tip: If you don't want to manage email addresses for a lot of queues, just save the contact for your GQueues inbox's address! Then all tasks incoming from email will funnel through the inbox and you can move them to other queues later.

Format your email

When emailing a queue, the:

  • Subject line becomes the task name

  • Email body becomes the task notes

You can use Quick Add Syntax to set the date, time, duration, reminder, and tags for a task all within the subject line.

  • To set the date, type on date

  • To set the time, type at time

  • To set the duration, type for X minutes/hours/days/weeks

  • To set a task reminder, type ^reminderMinutes reminderType

  • To add tags to the task, type #tag

  • To assign the task, type +email

For example, typing a subject line of Confirm gift receipt with Naveen on Monday @ 9am for 15 minutes will create a task in the specified queue titled Confirm gift receipt with Naveen dated for the following Monday at 9 am, lasting fifteen minutes.

Email a task to a queue
Task emailed into a queue

Track task creators

When a task is created via email, the queue or team owner will always be noted as the person who created the task. But the sender's email address is also recorded in the Activity Log. This can be particularly helpful when others are emailing in tasks, so you always know the source.

Track task creators from the Activity log


Whenever a task is received via email, GQueues will consider that task to be created by the queue owner. This means:

  • If you are the queue owner, you will not receive notifications if anyone else emails tasks to that queue.

  • If you are not the queue owner and receive notifications for tasks added to that queue, you will receive notifications when you email tasks to the queue yourself.

Attachments and size limitations

If you have activated the Attachments feature of GQueues, any files attached to an incoming email will be automatically attached to the newly created task.

An incoming email cannot be larger than 7MB total, including all attachments. Emails larger than this will be silently ignored.

When to add tasks via email

There are lots of instances in which emailing tasks to a queue is super useful. Here are a few to get you going.

Automatic forwarding

If you know any email with the word “budget” in it will need to be a task in GQueues, you can set a filter for it in your email. When incoming messages match the criteria, they’re automatically forwarded to your GQueues inbox address - creating a task for you before you even open the email.

Delegated users create tasks

When you’re a delegated user in someone else’s email account, you don’t have access to their Gmail add-on panel. But you can still add tasks for them by creating tasks via email.

Collaborators add tasks for you

Odds are not everyone you work with uses Google products. If you’re working with a contractor who isn’t a GQueues user, they can still create tasks for you by emailing your queues’ addresses. That way even though you work on different platforms, all your tasks stay in one place.

Create tasks from multiple email accounts

If you have multiple email accounts and want to be able to route emails to become tasks in a single GQueues account, adding tasks via email is the way to go.

Update a queue address settings

Reset a queue address

Anyone that knows one of your queue addresses will be able to send tasks to that queue. This can be a super useful tool, particularly if you want teammates to be able to add tasks directly to your GQueues account.

If an address gets in the wrong hands, you can reset it in the Queue Details Panel. Emails to the old address will be ignored and tasks will be created only for emails sent to the new address.

Reset the queue email address from the Queue Info Panel

❗️Please Note: You must be the queue owner in order to reset the queue email address. If the queue is in a Team, then only the team owner will be able to reset the email address.

Disable Quick Add for emails

If you’d prefer not to use Quick Add Syntax when creating tasks via email, go to the Queues tab in Settings and uncheck the box Enable Quick Add Syntax when emailing tasks to queues.

Option to enable Quick Add Syntax when emailing tasks in GQueues Settings

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