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Delegate work with assignments

How to create, view, complete, and delete assigned tasks

Emily Jones avatar
Written by Emily Jones
Updated over 8 months ago

If you’re in charge of a big project in a time crunch, delegating work is key to making sure you get everything done. By assigning small portions of that work to teammates, you can easily track who is in charge of accomplishing what, while making sure you still have final review over the tasks.

Assign tasks

To assign a task to someone, click the assignments icon (the person outline) on the task and type the email address of the person you want to assign it to.

Add assignment to a task in GQueues by clicking the assignments icon

The dropdown menu will show people you have assigned tasks in the past. If you want to assign work to them again, you can select them from here. If you’re assigning tasks to someone for the first time, you’ll need to write out their email.

The task is then assigned to them, as indicated below the task name. The assignment will show the user’s name and photo they use for their Google Account. You can also assign to more than one person if it needs some extra support.

👉 Pro Tip: Only the specific task you assign is shared with the assignee. If you want them to see information in subtasks, parent tasks, or elsewhere in the queue, make sure you also add them to the team or share the queue with them.

You can assign tasks to anyone, no matter what GQueues plan they’re on. They’ll be notified they received an assignment, unless they have turned off their notifications. If they haven’t used GQueues before, they’ll get an email alerting them of the assignment.

View tasks assigned to you

Whenever a task is assigned to you, a copy of it will show up in your Assignments queue.

Assignments queue in lefthand panel of GQueues

Assigned tasks in the Assignments queue in GQueues

Even if you also have access to the original task, such as in a team you’re a part of or a task you own, it will still show up in your Assignments queue as well so you can quickly see everything on your plate. This also means those tasks will show up in search results and on your Google Calendar if you don’t own the task.

In the Assignments queue you can read the description and notes for your assigned tasks, see who else is assigned to the task (if anyone) and make comments. If you have a paid subscription, you can also attach files from the Assignments queue. But none of the information on the task (title, due date, tags, etc.) will be editable from the Assignments queue.

If you also have access to edit the task where it lives, you can take any of those actions in its original queue. To learn more about using Assignments for tasks you also own or have been shared with you, check out this article.

Complete assigned tasks

Once you’ve finished a task, you can mark it complete from the Assignments queue just like you would in any other queue, by clicking the checkbox.

Mark a task complete from the Assignments queue

This will move the task to the Archived section of your Assignments queue and show that you’ve completed it on the original task, along with the date you marked it complete.

Assigned task marked complete by the assignee

It will continue to show as an open task in the queue where it lives until it is marked complete there. This means if you’re delegating work to someone else, you’ll be notified when they’ve completed it, and can review it to make sure the work meets your standards before marking it fully complete.

Reopen an assignment

If you marked an assignment complete by mistake, or got some new information that means it’s not actually finished, you can reopen it from the Archived tab in your Assignments queue. Simply click on the checkmark to bring it back to the Active tab.

Reopen completed assigned task from the Archived tab of your Assignments queue

Once the task owner marks the original task complete, it will no longer appear in your completed assignments.

Remove an assignment

You can unassign someone from a task by hovering your mouse over their name and clicking the x. The task will no longer appear in their Assignments queue.

Remove an assignment from a task

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